Where does coffee come from and where does it grow?

The history of coffee is patchy and full of myth and hearsay. One of the most popular story goes that Kaldi, an Ethiopian goatherd, saw his goats eating coffee berries and as a result becoming elated. So, Kaldi then tried them himself and thus discovered the potential of coffee. And that’s where we got our name - Dancing Goat. Although it’s far more likely that uses for coffee were developed over time and were discovered by people tasting various parts of the cherry, the old fables do add a bit of romance and are very cute.
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Coffee Beverages Explained

The coffee drinking culture has been evolving for hundreds and thousands of years. It has never been so rich as today. How do you make sense of different types of coffee, what do the particular names in beverage menus mean and what beverage to choose for which occasion in your favorite café? Coffee can be divided into two basic categories according to the method of preparation. Espresso based beverages Espresso without additions The philosophy of this beverage is not about ponding over a mug and sipping from it for long hours, but more about a quick order and two or three gulps at a bar.
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Donate with us

The people at Dancing Goat care about other people and their standard of living. Every year, we donate five thousand dollars to Children in Africa, and we also encourage all our customers to contribute to our public PayPal donation account to help us increase the final amount of money raised. The Children in Africa Foundation provides food, accommodation, medical service, and also education to children from poor regions in African countries.
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Origins of Arabica Bourbon

Arabica Bourbon is among the best coffee varieties you can find in Brazil, Salvador, and Rwanda. This widely known and popular coffee is cultivated in three color varieties, red, orange and yellow bourbon. But what does it have in common with the American whiskey? Nothing at all, fortunately. The name comes from the place of origin of this wonderful variety, which is a small island in the Indian Ocean called Réunion, formerly Bourbon.
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On Roasts

There’s nothing complicated about roasting. It’s as easy as baking a pie, maybe even simpler as there’s just one ingredient. What’s complicated is fine-tuning the whole process to perfection. It’s also a huge responsibility. You can easily ruin something that’s been in the works for months and has been perfect up until now. Light Roasts Usually roasted for 6-8 minutes or simply until achieving a light brown color. This method is used for milder coffee varieties and for coffee tasting.
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Coffee processing techniquessss

Before a ripe coffee plant transforms into a delicious cup lying on your table, it undergoes quite a journey. A journey full of possible pitfalls, which can, usually negatively, influence the coffee’s final taste. What goes wrong at the very beginning cannot be made up for at the very end. The character and taste of a coffee are largely influenced by its origin, climate, the quality and type of soil and the botanical varieties of the coffee plant.
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Which brewing fits you?

Not that long ago, actually back in the early 2000s, coffee making industry had a single aim: convenience. It may have been hand in hand with the rising economic growth. Everyone felt they had to stay busy and get as much done as possible in order to succeed at their lives. Making coffee was usually the matter of pressing a single button. Convenience brought us the likes of Tassimo, Nespresso and other many similar amenities.
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